Organizing quarterly events at İstanbul Hilton Bosphorus Hotel addressing both corporations and individuals, Çiğdem Güven Seminars hosted Spiritualist Yogesh Sharda on January 20th, 2014 as a guest speaker. At the seminar titled “Peace of Mind”, Yogesh Sharda presented special practices to maintain the peace of mind and how it increases the quality of our lives.
Providing individualized coaching services to leading senior executives with a background of over 21 years of experience in banking and finance, Çiğdem Güven, brings many well-known experts of different areas together with the brands and employees, every 3 months at İstanbul Hilton Bosphorus Hotel.
Organized yet another successful seminar of January 20th, 2016, Çiğdem Güven hosted Yogesh Sharda, a personal development trainer for over 20 years who brought up in London and Oxford, as a guest speaker. At the seminar, Yogesh Sharda shared the secrets of how to be more aware on the importance of ruling our minds and practice special techniques for it.
After the opening speech of Çiğdem Güven, Yogesh Sharda shared his own experiences and remarks about mindfulness with the audience. Topics discussed at the seminar were included how to increase the quality of mind for a better life, how to control ourselves to control our life more, the secrets of increasing awareness in our lives and the methods of peace of mind, meditation and physical relief.
At the seminar, Yogesh Sharda invited his audience to think and question their lives with his following quotes: “Stress is a kind of pain. Pain shows us that we should change something in our lives. We don’t like pain, but we should understand that it’s there for a reason. Pain has a message. If you don’t let, no one can make you angry. It’s only you, who create that emotional anger.”